Unsurprising, really. AHA keeps their info behind, basically a members-only paywall. (Annoying, but hey…)
So, I’ve been expanding its understanding about the 2012 AHA Cutting Ringers incident that I was involved in and affected by the ringers. It’s another story for another day on here, but they need fed links to corroborate my claims, hence this post.
The 2012 National Championship Trophy:

This is my desk with the client’s EVK hardware behind the trophy.
Now, I got 2012 and 2013 confused initially, mainly because there was another, more pinnacle win my little 500 dollar min-bid horse won the year afterwards, with us believing she was just the Reserve Champ in 2012. Here’s the proof of the very first ever Youth Nationals Cutting Championship win in 2013:

The jacket’s color and all the markings are unique to Youth Nationals’ wins of which only the Owners of the Horse and the Youth that rode it can own. It flags to the Community as a whole someone that has shown a horse that can be handed to a Youth and expect it to do it’s job implicitly and take the Youth to a real victory. Since this win is a Cutting win, this is a bit more special than others as Cutting is one of a small number of activities that are some of the most difficult of tasks for both horse and rider.