Why “auto” C++ Standards Folks?

I ask this because it doesn’t strike me as being the precise declaration thing you claim to insist upon there. It allows…sloppy (putting this diplomatically…)…code to exist. It glosses over poor definitions of a class hierarchy and it masks all sorts of other things because you don’t get feedback from things with it.

As a developer, you should strive to be precise as you possibly can in declaration and implementation. Having a catch-all class type defeats this and it’s bad from the standards perspective. It also makes it opaque in ways you didn’t want in code…especially in an example code item in a library.

It should instill mistrust in your code doing any of that. Whether it’s in the standard and YOU signed off on it or in any example or actual, you know, production code. If you have difficulty expressing the variable’s type in even a transient expression that leaves scope almost immediately, you’ve done something WRONG and should re-think it, not magically make a variable to catch the object, etc. This wrong includes the actual standard. C++ was supposed to be a simplification of C use and an amplifier for it…not the 21st century’s equivalent of PL1.

Why the rant? Well…I encountered this, what I consider rubbish, with examples and use of a wrapper for libgpiod intended for C++. Fail. Seriously. If the Compiler can’t figure out simple declarations or you can’t have simple ones, you’ve made it overcomplicated. Resorting to auto variables is a crutch for that bad. It’s not something I’d ship out as a FOSS project (And I have a lot of those available on GitHub and elsewhere.)- simple as you can possibly make it is KING as it lowers the risk of errors and things breaking down in bitrot fashion over time. If you use this in examples, you FAIL as it’s not explanatory…you cheated and did what amounts to a Kludge in the worst way. Doesn’t matter if it’s, “in the standard,” it doesn’t make the use clear other than to take that same lame cheat yourself. Please stop people.

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Hey, Grok…

Just so I can post this in a manner that quickly lets me share a link to the URL.

It rather seems that while there’s an ability to push photos, etc. to Grok, there’s no actual button on the Web. Lame, really…especially in light of the ability that they’re claiming it has there…

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Hm…blocked by X again…

Automated filtering is dubious at best for someone claiming to be, “for,” freedom of speech. I’m writing this as a proper blog entry on my own site as I’m waiting to see if they accept my appeal there or I have to delete the otherwise valid post. I’m minded to mull over the problem in full and maybe spell out a path out of this.

Mere word filtering isn’t capable of handling the English language. PERIOD.

Anyone telling you it can is a bad liar. AI isn’t at-all better. It’s not good enough to understand the nuances of the English language or have enough data to properly produce results for queries like, “Who is the owner(s) of record for the Half-Arabian mare, ‘TR Natashaa’?” I’ve gotten all sorts of hallucinations (YES!) out of the things with that simple question. (Answer is Frank and Lisa Earl…namely Lisa and myself.) If you can’t manage that much with an automated solution not involving a human explicitly, and excuse my language choices here, you can’t fucking expect the damn stuff to filter for, “problematic,” speech that way.

You can only rely on a Human to review a Human’s reporting a potential problem.

If you don’t have enough staff, and you’ve promised freedom of speech within those parameters- too fucking bad. Seriously. You can’t claim the one and expect to be taken seriously any more on that note. At least not with that business. So, I can’t take Elon Musk seriously with regards to X. Not any more. You can’t automate this. It’s not within the levels of ability for Mankind in the matter being done. You can’t be serious, claiming you’re for freedom of speech and do that. It’s mutually exclusive. It is merely telling yourself and everyone about you lies if you can’t rip that crap out of the product- or telling everyone you’re managing on that low a staff.


Also, it will not do.

Elon’s right about the need there and a need to eradicate the Woke mind virus wherever I, myself, can and have the ability to do so. As with Jefferson, I have sworn upon the Altar of God, eternal Hostility towards any form of Tyranny over the mind of man.

Including this, the subject of this rant. It’s why I claim that one absolutely can not be serious about things there as it’s another form of Tyranny, another expression of the WOKE MIND VIRUS doing this shit. It’s just doing it on the sly instead of being out in the open about it. It’s deeply disappointing to see this going on and nobody, even the person that claims he’s dedicated to eradicating the Woke mind virus…off exhibiting it himself there. One doesn’t even know if he’s aware of it. To be honest? I don’t really care. Not any more.

So, what to do?

Not sure yet. I don’t really want to go do the BlueSky play…not yet at least. I’m going to start working on mostly shared-nothing configuration fully decentralized solutions. I have been off and on putzing with a few. The thing is that if it’s merely federated…it won’t work. Centralization lets people control the content like a publisher. But that control can be misused as evidenced by Twitter before Elon, by Facebook to date, and others.

One of the problems is that people seem to think that they’ve a right to not beoffended/bothered/etc. The only time you have a right to that is with things that’re honestly offensive like threats of harm, child pornography, etc. Things in that vein are handled by the law in almost all jurisdictions eventually. The real problem, though, is in trying to dictate any semblance of a Terms of Service. A centralized solution or a federated one is restricted in what it can safely do due to Civil litigation concerns. So it has to do things like this, even though they’re at-odds with the claims of Freedom of Speech. Or it offers an excuse to control like you see with Facebook and the Liberals claims of, “Misinformation,” and a perceived need to control it. (Misinformation is a Neo-marxist notion. There is only information and it can be good or bad- but it can’t be defined by one person as being bad. Only reality defines THAT. Oh, Elon, if you’re actually reading this…an aside to YOU. This is why I say what I’ve all said here. Is it any different? If I say, “hang,” in the legal consequences sense, legitimately, and you ban me (Hint!!) are you any damned different than Zuckerberg and his company on that note?)

In the end, you either get the player to wise up…or take your ball and move on.

I find the latter to be gauche to just do like the Libs and do a BlueSky…right now. That being said? I’m fully capable of going there all the same. I see no good way out of things, all the same. Centralized (Federated is still that…it’s just spread out over multiple shards…) social media is a bad dead-end and a liability. I’ve seen it that way for a while now. X brought a promise that maybe it wasn’t so much so. Nope. It fails on a central tenet and ends up talking out both sides of the mouth…just like it’s prior incarnation. It’s just a little freer…that’s it.

I’m running out of a bit of steam here on the rant…and of time to put it to words, so I’ll close with this. Either X needs to rip that crap out and assidiously curbstomp impulses to go where they still are…or they, too, need to go the way the mainstream newsmedia is now rapidly going. We need to eradicate the Woke mind virus where it lives. We need to be eternally vigilant and hostile to these Tyrannies over the Mind of Man. I won’t take away others’ choices, you can choose those chains. Don’t expect me to accept them willingly or lightly, though. I will ultimately show the way…it’s up to each of you to follow or not. I will see something come to pass as a digital commons…whatever form that takes.

I’m not going to wait, though. Expecting people to do this for me just leads me to disappointment and worse. I’m done with that.

[Edit 11/27/2024]

I have come to find that any functionality wherein you place a submission to X is turned off for me. Over using the word, “hang”… Not even able to do Grok queries.

Elon, I really need you to explain how this is even remotely fucking in keeping in with your claims, now. I’d love to have that conversation in person…not that I’m ever going to.

C’mon…surprise me. Might even get some other things going. Things quite in keeping with your claims. Right now, I’m going to accept that you meant it all…and that there’s a bunch of people that are making you look the liar…because that’s what it all has as an impression.

Behave according to some undisclosed algorithm or lose your access to everything…doesn’t sound like freedom of speech to me…does it to you?

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Well, trying to print Tullomer on an Ender3 v2…

I found out about this AMAZING Superpolymer from Z-Polymers. Tullomer. Can be a filament for 3D print or fibers for making crazy-strong meshes, etc.

Unlike the other Superplastics like PEEK/PAEK/etc…the usual suspects, Tullomer will print, with some provisos, on consumer level 3D printers- and the manufacturer has thoughtfully provided Bambu Labsa profiles for the Carbon series of printers.

Well, then, that leaves me with a S&G project… Especially when the salesperson at Dyamism (The current exclusive reseller for Z-Polymers) told me that I could buy it but the temps, etc are not such that my little 3D printer that could, my heavily tricked out Ender3 v2 wouldn’t work for the stuff. Bad idea telling me it can’t be done… X-D)


One bed heater upgrade and a high-temp/high flow hotend upgrade later (I’ve that Revo CR upgrade…sooo…it’s a simple upgrade or so I thought.)

In prep for trying to print this amazing stuff, waiting for it to arrive (1kg, I was committed to this endeavor…$500 plus tax and S&H via UPS Ground….) I tried to print a LARGE item, namely my 3D model of my experimental replacement front fork for Lisa’s Fold-N-Go powered wheelchair that they used die-cast on leaving it a planned obsolescence item on. In the end, i want to render this crap moot. A, “This Will Not Do…” type story. I have issues with the entirety of the DME industry on at least this particular subject. So, as a learning experience, I’m trying to see what it will take to make things for the space on the cheap and CUSTOM ORDERED without the costs to do that sort of thing.

I digress…as I was saying, I was printing the part in Polycarbonate, the minimum level; at 65-75% Cubic, Gyroid, or Honeycomb infill and be a part I could basically trust to woirk in it’s itended role as a load bearing powered wheelchair part. It won’t last for more than about a year or so in use- not stiff, not strong enough, even as PC- but it will work for a couple of weeks for Tullomer…as I figured…

One should check specs. For any and all Mad Science projects. Even this one. The max power the Ender3 v2 power supply will source is 350W per the specs on the Meanwll supply in the printer. The bed heater is 220W and is inadequate to get to Tullomer minimum bed temps for a Consumer profile print (120 deg C) so I got a, “High temp 200w 24v bed heater and proceeded to do the mod there. $35, no biggie. Do it almost in my sleep. So it was sort of printing right but I need to print at a minimum of 400 mm/s, to print Tullomer right in a non-Industrial (Intamsys, etc…) printer, so I put in the Revo HF kit and proceeded to use the nice ObXidian 0.6 HF nozzle from the kit to actually go for the speed while doing PC. $160. Anoter little walj in the part…after I re-rigged my Ender CR mod to use the stock Revo core connectors spliced properly into the V2 instead of the E3d provided and suggested mod there of cutting heater and thermistor wires from the stock HW and splicing the kit into the wiring harness.

The problem? Bed heater plus heater core exceeds the power supply rating. IF you have the bed heater engaged at any time, we have a brown-out or hanging at tolerances for the supply when the hotend is heating. If you have the bed heating for any reason at the moment you try to make a stepper move, you risk a chance of a batch of skipped steps…basically a stepper stroke/heart attack and you get an X/Y (Sometimes BOTH) layer shift. Several of them.

Well…that sucks. Need to back out of the 24v bed heater and get a more specialty one that is designed to be powered off a parasitic tap on the 110v on the Meanwell and is SSR switched from the 24v bed heater drive signal. 500W. We should be able to really print crazy-assed stuff once it’s in. That will have to wait- because I”m trying to fit it in for this Holiday if I could. So, buy a new bed heater to back it away from that precipice that the 300W one was. On order. Pulled the cover off the mainboard. Smelling burnt. Looking for something on the mainboard I cooked with this attempt. Found it. Power feed from the Meanwell. Apparently, while they had the PSU rated for 350W, the controller just couldn’t keep up. Carbonized the terminal block (Damn… Hence my remarks about ALWAYS checking ratings before Mad Science. Not because you care about the stuff you’re breaking, per se, it’s your experiments will fail on you… X-D) So, place an order for THAT as well. Sigh.

Got them in two days later. Still enough time for the window there. One day before the Tullomer in. Won’t be able to print it, but I can still cut a prototype PC one and a spare for the part, right? This is Mad Science. It’s going to screw up. X-D

I must’ve had the X and Y steppers on their way out. I’ve ripped up two Y steppers so far, pushing the envelope and workloads well past what Creality ever imagined for their Enders. I’m using the silly thing as a industrial class printer with the workloads I present to the poort hing. As it stands, I had enclosure temps around an estimated 60 deg C, which is a sweet spot for PC and the minimum for Tullomer. I have failures of both now. It will skip badly as it warms up and a gentle push CAN (but doesn’t always) cause it to skip and let the carriages in question move. (Again…ouch…) This was after having problems with the Ender3v2s1 Professional Firmware working right for calibration- and one swap out to Klipper and Mainsail. (Why the HELL was a putting that one off for so long? It gives even stock operation cleaner and better workflows than Octoprint and the Marlin derived configuration)

Sooo…one longwinded explanation/story later, I’ll be picking up steppers and figuring out if 60 deg C enclosures are too much and following that up with the AC powered bed heater. If I can’t operate in that domain, I might look at putting some watercooling blocks on the steppers to chill them out and semi-protect them from the abuse. Once there, I’ll be back into the space of printing PC and MAYBE Tullomer. If I can cheat a bit and run without that, I’ll do that to claim the wins there.

Keep tuned. I’ll definitely post the win/lose here- and do a detailed description of the mods so anyone crazy/stupid enough to try will be able to do it too.

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So…Grok…doesn’t understand anything about horses or horse shows…

Unsurprising, really. AHA keeps their info behind, basically a members-only paywall. (Annoying, but hey…)

So, I’ve been expanding its understanding about the 2012 AHA Cutting Ringers incident that I was involved in and affected by the ringers. It’s another story for another day on here, but they need fed links to corroborate my claims, hence this post.

The 2012 National Championship Trophy:

This is my desk with the client’s EVK hardware behind the trophy.

Now, I got 2012 and 2013 confused initially, mainly because there was another, more pinnacle win my little 500 dollar min-bid horse won the year afterwards, with us believing she was just the Reserve Champ in 2012. Here’s the proof of the very first ever Youth Nationals Cutting Championship win in 2013:

The jacket’s color and all the markings are unique to Youth Nationals’ wins of which only the Owners of the Horse and the Youth that rode it can own. It flags to the Community as a whole someone that has shown a horse that can be handed to a Youth and expect it to do it’s job implicitly and take the Youth to a real victory. Since this win is a Cutting win, this is a bit more special than others as Cutting is one of a small number of activities that are some of the most difficult of tasks for both horse and rider.

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Well, nothing is QUITE as it ever initially seems…

As indicated in the prior blog post about the Revo Micro CR, it prints nicely. VERY nicely.

The real rub is that the firmware wouldn’t let you print to proper temps (Hotend is capable of 300 deg C print temperatures, but the firmware had safety features for runaway thermal situations on the Hotend- so it only would ever heat to 260 deg C and refuse to go higher. Kind of cold for most Polycarbonate filaments.). Combine the just barely printing nature there with not really being able to PROPERLY tram and then level the bed within real tolerances, I ended up with some really inconsistent prints and a lot of Blob and Spaghetti Monsters for results.

Found out the temp problem. Found out that the “pre-eminent” custom firmware derived from Marlin source for the Ender 3 v2 had stopped work just about a year ago, just after they rolled out a firmware post the one I had. It was still needing to be recompiled (Pretty much ALL of the custom firmware projects will NOT have the 300 deg C range in mind and won’t have it built out (You NEED the thermistor choice from the stock config and run up max temp settings for the hotend to 315, which allows you to set 300 (You WILL need a proper enclosure, etc. for this) without the kill for a thermal runaway condition being triggered.) With it no longer being supported for all intents, and someone suggesting a “professional” firmware intended for the V2 and S1 printer models with all of the features set of the JyersUI firmware, it was time to take a look-see at the least since I was having to recompile the thing. I wasn’t disappointed. As JyersUI gave you a whole new printer and it was the go-to if you’re not making the jump to Klipper…this is the same thing to JyersUI. On screen mesh points display. UBL support. Visual tramming support. (Which is why/how I found out where things went sideways), 250k baud link from Octoprint to the mainboard, and more. It really is as described. Professional Firmware.

As a result, I am now consistently printing clean results, on an Ender 3, with Polycarbonate filament. You will need a bunch of mods, including the new firmware (Linked below) built out as described in later blog posts. But the mods aren’t overly expensive and turn your E3 printer into a workhorse that compares favorably to a Prusa and will let you print, consistently, PLA, PETG, ABS, ASA, and at least PC, if not PA (Nylon…haven’t putzed with one of the ultimate pain in the arse filament type yet… X-D) fairly inexpensively. Without a direct drive setup, you’re going to have no end to fits with TPU and similar- but most knew this. Shortly (Well, I hope shortly… X-D) I will be blogging out my journey so that others can make these modifications. They’re kind of must-do’s for the Ender that don’t run up a lot of cash.

One of the very FIRST mods, that I’ll touch on, but not lead you through, is the firmware as mentioned above. It’s a must have- and if you’re not doing PC or Nylon filament with your Ender 3, you STILL really want to get one of the pre-builts on your printer. It gives it muscle where you didn’t have it before, turning it into something that acts more like a pro tool than a hobby putzing project. Slide on over to https://github.com/mriscoc/Ender3V2S1 and at least download one of the prebuilts for your particular board model of V2 or S1 printer. Seriously, it’s worth it.

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I broke down and bought an E3D Revo CR and Micro…

The tech’s good. The CR (Revo designed explicitly for a drop-in for a Creality 3D printer…) had a bit of seemingly hinky assembly (Well, using butt splices strikes me as a bit dodgy, but there wasn’t any other good way to DO what needed to be done without a BUNCH of pulling and replacing wiring, so… It works well enough and I intend to clean up the handiwork a bit better- I wanted to try the thing…and RIGHT NOW… X-D ) but everything works and I’ve been printing with it.

Cleaner than the stock hotend by far on PLA. Can run temps to 300 deg C which lets me do Polycarbonate and Nylon filaments. Easy nozzle swap cold. No hazardous heated tightens on stuff. Just finger tighten and remove the thing COLD. That right there is worth the premium price they’re asking for the hotend. No, it’s not high-flow (YET…) or really high-temp, but I’d be…leery of doing high-temp and I’ve got other fish to fry to get 1m/s (Yes, you read that right- someone’s figured out how to get the Ender 3 to jam out 1000mm/s speeds on print. But, it needs the high-flow hotend and a few other mods including setting up for Klipper on the thing. Going to wait a bit on THAT particular madness (and I will…an amped up Ender 3 v2 doing this insane speed would be a plus…but it must wait for the high-flow nozzle options from E3D and my project…) since it’s not available for me yet. They don’t even really have the hardened nozzles out yet. (Preorders for Jan/Feb 2023 are still being taken right now… Word is that they’re rocking and they don’t require any slicer changes- thermal characteristics are allegedly for all intents the same as Brass nozzles are.)

Nifty…and the assessments of, “worth it,” not being the case are from people that didn’t really try to do nozzle swapping regularly or the prospects of having that swap also equate to hardened with similar characteristics to the sapphire/ruby tips or high flow with the same heater cartridge and heatbreak system. For using ONLY a 0.4 nozzle size, never swapping out except to replace a worn/damaged nozzle, it is a bit more far-fetched as a value. (I didn’t say it wasn’t worth it even from THAT perspective. The nozzle’s producing cleaner results than the stock Ender hotend/nozzle config. Not having hassles there is almost fully worth the premium price there…)- but to have the future looking as bright as it is… I’ll deal with a bit of proprietary there for a while. It’s worth it to me.

But…why the change and why the blog post…?

Well, I bought the CR for the purpose of getting a feel for the Micro I’d bought for a pet project that is still in progress and still mostly under the radar. I’m building out a…heh…honestly massive print volume (Current expected initial volume is 400x400x400 mm) printer with a somewhat new-ish kinematic (It’s had one full implementation that was promising, but had to stop due to the Patent rights holder telling him to stop… Well, the patent’s expired…) and I’m doing it slowly but with some thought being applied to each part of this, so there’s been iterations applied and it’s been moving slowly and methodically starting shortly after the expiry of the patent involved with the kinematic. We’re at the end effector parts and the actual linear actuator parts being worked out. Hot end initially chosen is a Micro because I can easily work with it. With that choice, well, I had to see and work with the thing first to know what to expect. Hence, the CR. I can see why people are going on so about it. There’s a few surprises as Stephan over at CNC Kitchen has observed (Thermistor placement isn’t the same as you, “usually,” have with a heater block so you may have to adjust commanded temps if you’re used to <X> under all cases.), that being said, there’s a lot to be said for it The CR model seems to be 1-for-1 in performance and behavior to the stock hot-end- well, except for that it heats up three or so times faster and it’s fully capable of letting you print Nylon and PC filament because of the max temp of 300 deg C and it doesn’t seem to have stringing/ooze problems that the Stock has with things.

Hopefully, I’ll have the pet-project finished enough to show it on a few YouTube/Rumble/etc. videos in a couple of months. We’ll see. Right now is the difficulty of sourcing lead/ball screw actuators in a reasonable time and for something resembling a reasonable cost- or I’d be further along. Be FUN to have a nearly half meter cubed volume printer with the ability to do at least 200mm/s print speeds, with the prospect of 1m/s or more waiting in the wings. Be even more fun if I can scale it like I think I can.

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The Constitution: Article II’s framing and the meaning of, “natural born citizen,” in this context…

It’s a bit unusual to see a, well, dissertation on the subject of the Constitution in a blog/website for a tech individual. One of the other things you may/may not know about me is that I’m a bit of a legal scholar and that I’m oftentimes intrigued by some of these sorts of distinctions and will study the actual meanings of some things at-length. This would be the case- and I did study extensively on this one. You shouldn’t take my, or anyone else’s word, for this one. You want to do your own research, pretty much like I did here and documented. In truth, you should be doing that anyway on most things. You only know when you go and do it yourself.

What precipitated this was numerous people in years past talking out of turn on the subject of the legal requirements of who can be President and when. It’s a bit off into the, “Too Long; Didn’t Read…” space, but unfortunately the explanation of these details are just that- and yet you need to read ANYHOW so you understand what you’re being told by others. Even myself. It’s being transcribed into my blog so I have it ready to point to people and to grab the citations becomeI make in it on a moment’s notice as it applies to a bit more than just the discussion that’s in here. If you disagree with the take here, you’re welcome to do so, but you’d best bring your, “A,” game to the table there- this is not just my own personal vapid hot-take. It’s been researched out against Supreme Court cases and the Congressional Globe- so you’re going to need that level that impeaches this all to win the day. With no further ado…on to the actual document…

In the process of the framing of the in-progress Constitution that we all know at least passingly of, Alexander Hamilton provided a draft of the document in question, June 18, 1787 to the Constitutional Convention. In addition, he also submitted to the framers a proposal for the qualification requirements in Article II as to the necessary Citizenship status for the office of President and Commander in Chief of the Military.

“No person shall be eligible to the office of President of the United States unless he be now a Citizen of one of the States, or hereafter be born a Citizen of the United States.”

This, actually is what most people believe it to be right now. Unfortunately, it’s not. We’ll get to what it is here in a moment as there’s a bit of history yet to be told as to how it got to the form that was actually ratified and sitting, un-Amended to date.

Many of the founders and framers expressed fear of foreign influence on the person who would in the future serve as President of the United States since this particular office was singularly and uniquely powerful under the proposed new Constitution. This question of foreign influence was elevated when John Jay considered the additional power granted to the Presidency during times of war, that is when he serves as Commander in Chief of the military. Jay felt strongly that whoever served as President and Commander In Chief during times of war must owe their sole allegiance to and only to the United States.

Because this fear of foreign influence on a future President and Commander in Chief was strongly felt, Jay took it upon himself to draft a letter to General George Washington, the presiding officer of the Constitutional Convention, recommending/hinting that the framers should strengthen the Citizenship requirements for the office of the President.

John Jay was an avid reader and proponent of natural law and particularly Vattel’s codification of natural law and the Law of Nations. In his letter to Washington he said that the Citizenship requirement for the office of the commander of our armies should contain a “strong check” against foreign influence and he recommended to Washington that the command of the military be open only to a “natural born Citizen”. Thus Jay did not agree that simply being a “born Citizen” was sufficient enough protection from foreign influence in the singular most powerful office in the new form of government. Rather, Jay wanted to make sure the President and Commander In Chief owed his allegiance solely to the United States of America. He wanted another adjective added to the eligibility clause, i.e., ‘natural’. And that word ‘natural’ goes to the Citizenship status of one’s parents via natural law.

The following is what Jay wrote in suggestion to Washington at the time:

Permit me to hint, whether it would be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expressly that the Command in Chief of the American army shall not be given to nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen.”

Upon receiving Jay’s letter, General Washington passed on the recommendation to the convention where it was adopted in the final draft. This was ratified in the Constitution as enacted, and has never been Amended- and reads as follows:

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.” – Article II, Section 1, Clause 5, U.S. Constitution as adopted 17 September 1787.

Radical departure from the original draft. It went from generalities to a rather convoluted and specific form there. Your first hint that it’s not what you believe it to be is in the “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President,” part of the clause. If they meant any naturalized citizen or birthright citizen, they’d have merely said “Citizen” like Hamilton had originally proposed. So, what does that mean? It was a common term of use. So common, that they didn’t believe that it needed explanation. There are three classes of Citizens in this Nation. Natural born, Birthright, and Naturalized. Only ONE of them, per the Constitution, is allowed to be President per the part of the clause. If they meant any naturalized citizen or birthright citizen, they’d have merely said “Citizen” like Hamilton had originally proposed. So, what does that mean? It was a common term of use. So common, that they didn’t believe that it needed explanation. There are three classes of Citizens in this Nation. Natural born, Birthright, and Naturalized. Only ONE of them, per the Constitution, is allowed to be President per the Un-amended Article II requirements as framed at the adoption of the Constitution proper. The reason? It was to limit foreign influences as much as was realistically possible. You had to have had skin in the game, being born as a Citizen OF Citizens in the country itself. You can’t get it with the other two.

Repeatedly, the Supreme Court refers to Vattel and his understanding, indicating that his is the at-common-law understanding used therein. Not once, but five differing times by the Supreme Court specifically over time, at least part of them specifically mentioning Vattel on the subject, and at least once indirectly, referring to the framer of the Fourteenth Amendment’s statements on the Congress Floor on the subject in question. I’ll get to the Supreme Court decisions and Congressman John Bingham’s statements here in a bit.

What did Vattel say on this subject?

The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights. The society is supposed to desire this, in consequence of what it owes to its own preservation; and it is presumed, as matter of course, that each citizen, on entering into society, reserves to his children the right of becoming members of it. The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent. We shall soon see whether, on their coming to the years of discretion, they may renounce their right, and what they owe to the society in which they were born. I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.” – Book 1, Chapter 19, Paragraph 212, “Citizens and Natives”, “The Law of Nations or the Principles of Natural Law”

Interesting, isn’t it? Basically, “natural born” as a term of use from Vattel’s statements there is one of “born of two citizen parents on a nation’s given sovereign soil”.

Now…is it a term of use, properly applied to Article II? Yes. The Supreme Court’s used it many times in the past. Someone telling you that they haven’t is either very misinformed or selling you something. Here’s the relevant parts for your review, along with proper citations so you can do the digging yourself:

Vattel, who, though not very full to this point, is more explicit and more satisfactory on it than any other whose work has fallen into my hands, says: “The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives or indigenes are those born in the country of parents who are citizens. Society not being able to subsist and to perpetuate itself but by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights.”The Venus, 12 U.S. 8 Cranch 253 253 (1814)

Ann Scott was born in South Carolina before the American revolution, and her father adhered to the American cause and remained and was at his death a citizen of South Carolina. There is no dispute that his daughter Ann, at the time of the Revolution and afterwards, remained in South Carolina until December, 1782. Whether she was of age during this time does not appear. If she was, then her birth and residence might be deemed to constitute her by election a citizen of South Carolina. If she was not of age, then she might well be deemed under the circumstances of this case to hold the citizenship of her father, for children born in a country, continuing while under age in the family of the father, partake of his national character as a citizen of that country. Her citizenship, then, being prima facie established, and indeed this is admitted in the pleadings, has it ever been lost, or was it lost before the death of her father, so that the estate in question was, upon the descent cast, incapable of vesting in her? Upon the facts stated, it appears to us that it was not lost and that she was capable of taking it at the time of the descent cast.” – Shanks v. Dupont, 28 U.S. 3 Pet. 242 242 (1830)

The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. As society cannot perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their parents, and succeed to all their rights.’ Again: ‘I say, to be of the country, it is necessary to be born of a person who is a citizen; for if he be born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country” – Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1856) () (This would be the “Dred Scott Decision”…)

The Constitution does not in words say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners. Some authorities go further and include as citizens children born within the jurisdiction without reference to the citizenship of their parents. As to this class there have been doubts, but never as to the first.” – Minor v. Happersett , 88 U.S. 162 (1874)

At common law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children, born in a country of parents who were its citizens, became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners.” – United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898)

So…they did discuss it. They did define it as how Vattel did. It’s worth noting that they have never wavered on this subject to date. Some might claim that the Fourteenth Amendment changed that or that Congress has the authority under the Constitution to define how someone becomes a Citizen.

Unfortunately, this is a term of use within the Constitution itself. Congress doesn’t get to modify that willy-nilly as they see fit. It is not one of the delegated powers given them under the Constitution. They can define how someone can become a Citizen for any forms they see fit, save one. Birth in the country to Citizen parents. That particular status is not subject to discussion or modification- and needs no forms filed to grant you Citizenship within this nation. Birthright (i.e. dual citizens, etc.) requires you to elect your Citizenship status at the time of your majority. Natural born does not. So, in essence, Congress can’t change this one without Amendment. Amendment, because we’re talking a legal document here, is additive, with the older law overriding the newer law where they conflict unless you specify that you’re modifying or repealing part or all of the older law with the new one.

The Fourteenth doesn’t specify such change of intent. And, more to the point, the framer didn’t view things any differently than the Supreme Court did.

It is worth noting that the indirect reference to the same that came out of the Supreme Court on this subject, from United States Supreme Court Associate Justice Hugo Black, in a concurring opinion in Duncan v. Louisiana, 391 U.S. 145 (1968), emphasized his reliance upon the statements made by Representative Bingham and Senator Howard in Congress which pertain to the drafting and adoption of the 14th Amendment. Justice Black stated that “it is far wiser to rely on” the words of Bingham and Howard when analyzing the 14th Amendment.“, 391 U.S. 145 (1968), emphasized his reliance upon the statements made by Representative Bingham and Senator Howard in Congress which pertain to the drafting and adoption of the 14th Amendment:

“Professor Fairman’s ‘history’ relies very heavily on what was not said in the state legislatures that passed on the Fourteenth Amendment. Instead of relying on this kind of negative pregnant, my legislative experience has convinced me that it is far wiser to rely on what was said, and, most importantly, said by the men who actually sponsored the Amendment in the Congress.I know from my years in the United States Senate that it is to men like Congressman Bingham, who steered the Amendment through the House, and Senator Howard, who introduced it in the Senate, that members of Congress look when they seek the real meaning of what is being offered. And they vote for or against a bill based on what the sponsors of that bill and those who oppose it tell them it means.” – Justice Hugo Black, Concurring Opinion, Duncan v. Louisiana, 391 U.S. 145 (1968)

So…what did Congressman Bingham have to say on this subject?

As to the question of citizenship I am willing to resolve all doubts in favor of a citizen of the United States. That Dr. Houard is a natural-born citizen of the United States there is not room for the shadow of a doubt. He was born of naturalized parents within the jurisdiction of the United States, and by the express words of the Constitution, as amended to-day, he is declared to all the world to be a citizen of the United States by birth.” – The Congressional Globe, Volume 66, Part 4

The Constitution leaves no room for doubt upon this subject. The words ‘natural-born citizen of the United States’ occur in it, and the other provision also occurs in it that, ‘Congress shall have power to pass a uniform system of naturalization.’ To naturalize a person is to admit them to citizenship. Who are natural-born citizens but those born within the Republic? Those born within the Republic, whether black or white are citizens by birth- natural-born citizens. There is no such word as white in your Constitution. Citizenship, therefore, does not depend upon complexion any more than it depends on the rights of election or office. All from other lands, who by the terms of your laws and a compliance with their provisions become naturalized, are adopted citizens of the United States; all other persons born within the Republic, of parents owing allegiance to no other sovereignty, are natural born citizens. Gentleman can find no exception to this statement touching natural-born citizens except what is said in the Constitution relating to Indians.” – (Cong. Globe, 37th, 2nd Sess., 1639 (1862))

Every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen…. – (Cong. Globe, 39th, 1st Sess., 1291 (1866))

These statements are very telling. The framer of the Fourteenth Amendment, in a statement on the floor, uncontested by Congress, stated that Vattel’s understanding was the one applying to the term of use there. It means that the operative law is that only a person born of two citizen parents, citizens at the time of their birth, born IN the US may be President.

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Well, then…

Heh… After years of Joomla! use for my blog, etc. they opted to do something stupid as hell- and pick a feature that breaks on the PHP setup for my hosting provider and I needed to jump through flaming hoops to fix the damned thing.

While WordPress has it’s issues…it’s not appearing to be wont to doing “nifty” stuff that they know will break on an installation and that can’t easily be turned off that needs you to adjust your PHP settings in a manner that you need the hosting provider’s help. So…after having lost my prior website from an, “ooh, shiny…” moment from Devs that ought to f-ing know better, we’re running a WordPress site now. Guess I’ll start here and move forward, putting what key things I need on here for the site on the new setup now.

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